3/28/1977MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA March 28, 1977 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California by Mayor Crocker at 7:30 P.M. Monday, March 28, 1977. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Pernell, Rose, Swanson Mayor Crocker Teena Clifton William Kinley June Cunningham Dr. David Bray Tom Ghormley C. E. Gregory Alan Krauss Mrs. Joan Saffo Mr. & Mrs. Roy Stinnett City Manager City Attorney Deputy City Clerk Residents A motion to approve and accept the minutes of the meeting of March 14, 1977 as corrected was made by Councilman Heinsheimer, seconded by Councilwoman Swanson and carried unanimously. ZONING CASE NO. 171, HOWARD SLUSHER 21 A field trip to the Howard Slusher property at 61 Portuguese Bend Road was scheduled for Sunday, April 24, 1977 at 10:00 A.M. The City Attorney was instructed to so advise Mr. Slusher and his attorney, Mr. Frank De Marco. The Manager was asked to contact Mr. Roger Meurer, engineer for Mr. Slusher, and ask his hourly fee for accompanying the Council if they wished him to do so, and to report at the next meeting. APPOINTMENT TO TRAFFIC COMMISSION 46 Mayor Crocker said he wished to appoint Mrs. Kip Goldreyer, 3 Quail Ridge Road North, to the Traffic Commission, which con§ists of two resi- dents, a member of the City Council, the City Attorney and the City Manager. Councilwoman Swanson said she wished to propose that Mrs. Rose Mary Bernstein, 9 Eastfield Drive, who sent in her resume, also be ap- pointed, and she moved that the appointments of Mrs. Goldreyer and Mrs. Bernstein to the Traffic Commission be approved by the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES 84 Copies of Committee Assignments for members of the Council were distributed to the Council. PAYMENT OF BILLS Councilman exception of No. in the amount of Heinsheimer and AYES: Rose moved that Demands 6060, which was voided, $19,000.98. The motion carried by the following W No. 6051 through 6079, with the be paid from the General Fund was seconded by Councilman roll call vote: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Pernell, Rose, Swanson Mayor Crocker NOES: None X08 March 28, 1977 FINANCIAL STATEMENT The Financial Statement for February 1977 was approved on a motion made by Councilwoman Swanson, seconded by Councilman Heinsheimer and carried unanimously. PROPOSED GUIDELINES FOR TENNIS COURTS 119 c Dr. David Bray, President of the Rolling Hills Tennis Club, pre- sented the report of the Tennis Club on proposed guidelines for tennis courts in Rolling Hills. Dr. Bray said it is the opinion of the Tennis Club that the existing ordinances adequately protect the environment of private tennis courts. A suggestion was made in the report that a joint committee should be considered in an effort to eliminate duplication of effort by committees and agencies which review the applications. The Tennis Club suggested that any application which met all the existing ordinances but was subjectively turned down at the highest level should qualify for a special Open Hearing. The City Attorney explained that the Planning Commission holds pub- lic hearings and makes the initial decision on matters presented to it. The decision can then be appealed to the City Council, and the Council's decision is final. There is no provision for a Town Hall type meeting; the decision of the City Council can be appealed through the courts, Mr. Kinley said. Mayor Crocker said applicants and residents have ample opportunity to express their opinions, both in favor of or opposed to the request for a conditional use permit at the public hearing before the Planning Commission. With regard to the report presented by Dr. Bray, Mayor Crocker directed that the first two paragraphs be accepted by the Council and taken under submission as the Tennis Club's recommendations, with the comment that the suggestion in paragraph three with reference to an Open Hearing might not be workable, other than the provisions for public hearings and appeals which the City already has. Dr. Bray said the Tennis Club had attempted to find a way that an application for a tennis court which is denied for subjective rather than legal reasons, after the applicant met all requirements of the ordinance, could be presented to the community as an appeal from the decision of the highest ruling body of City government. Councilman Pernell said he thought the major difference is the level of publicity at the high appeal level, He explained that notice of the public hearing before the Planning Commission is given to all residents within 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property being considered. When the decision of the Planning Commission is appealed, a hearing before the City Council is set, and those same residents are notified as required by ordinances In addition, all residents in the community are notified of the hearing date by way of the City Council agenda, which is published in the Newsletter, Councilman Heinsheimer suggested that the Council accept the recom- mendations of the Planning Commission and Tennis Club, and continue to operate under the ordinances of the City, since there is a procedure for open hearings in the public hearing process. Mayor Crocker thanked Dr. Bray for his presentation, and said he wished to have guidelines for tennis courts carried as an agenda item for the next meeting, so the Council can take an action on the guide- lines prepared by the Planning Commission and the recommendations of the Tennis Club. -2- r March 28, 1977 DRAINAGE, DR. SAM WOLINSKY PROPERTY, REATA LANE 226 Mayor Crocker reported that Mr. John Whittington had written a letter advising that Dr. Wolinsky is out of town, and asking that the subject be postponed until the next meeting. Mr. Kinley reported that he discussed the matter with Mr, Clark Leonard of Lanco Engineering. Mr. Leonard said he would visit the site and inspect the erosion and call Mr. Kinley, but has not called him to date. Mr. Kinley said he had visited the property following the recent rain, and there seems to be very little erosion as a result of the rain. The matter was held on the agenda. TENTATIVE TRACT 31714, RANCHO PALOS VERDES 230 Mrs. Clifton displayed a tract map for Tentative Tract 31714 in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The Manager explained that the property ot,is adjacent to St. John Fisher Church on Crenshaw Boulevard, and the C°l.''easterly boundary is adjacent to the Palos Verdes Unified School District property, which is in the -City of Rolling Hills. ~" The Manager reported that the zoning for the property is single "family, two per acre, and the map indicates that there will be 31 homes on 17 acres. Under the zoning, 30% of the land must be in open space. To accomplish this, one parcel containing 60,000 square feet has been reserved at the front of the development near Crenshaw Boulevard, and the remaining lots are below the standard of two per acre. Mrs. Clifton said the lots will be approximately 15,000 square feet each. Other larger lots will consist of areas of unbuildable cannon to constitute the required open space. Councilman Rose asked whether other property owners in the area had commented on density. Mrs. Clifton said the Del Cerro Homeowners Association had been very active in opposing previous efforts to develop the property, but had not commented on this proposal, although a map was sent to them, Further, she said she attempted to reach the Association but was not successful. Mrs. Clifton said she would continue to try to contact the Del Cerro group to make sure that they were aware of the proposed development. The Manager reported, also, that the map was reviewed at a meeting of the Rancho Palos Verdes Plan- ning Commission on March 22, and Rolling Hills was not advised in advance of the meeting. Another meeting to approve the tentative map and revi- sions of open space criteria is scheduled for April 12, and Mrs. Clifton requested that a notice of the meeting be sent to Rolling Hills. Following the discussion Councilwoman Swanson moved that the Rolling Hills City Council protest the density to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Councilman Rose seconded the motion. Councilman Heinsheimer said he did not agree that the Council should protest the density, since it has not been approved by Rancho Palos Verdes, and he suggested that instead an offer be made to work with Rancho Palos Verdes in an effort to arrive at a development which would be compatible with surrounding properties, and that following a letter to that effect, the Mayor designate a member of the City Council to work with the Manager on the matters Mayor Crocker said further that open space should be consistent with development of the property, and not unusable land which is being called open space. Council- woman Swanson withdrew her motion and Councilman Rose withdrew his second. The Mayor designated Councilman Rose to work with the Manager, and he said he would write a letter to Rancho Palos Verdes. Councilman Rose said he would attend the April 12 meeting of the Rancho Palos Verdes Planning Commission. Councilman Pernell suggested that the City of Rolling Hills provide maps showing surrounding properties, illustrating the abrupt change of zoning proposed. The Mayor so ordered. -3- March 28, 1977 ROLLING HILLS ESTATES LANDFILL HEARING 311 Mayor Crocker reported that he had attended the hearing before the Rolling Hills Estates City Council on March 22 on a proposal to limit cities of over 205 million population from using the Palos Verdes land- fill, Copies of clippings from the Los Angeles Times and Palos Verdes Peninsula News were distributed to members of the Council. The matter was held until April 26 for a staff study to determine if an impact report or negative declaration should be made. Mayor Crocker recommen- ded that the Rolling Hills City Council indicate to the Rolling Hills Estates Council an interest in the deliberations and request progress reports. A large number of cities have supported the proposed action in letters, the Mayor said. Councilman Heinsheimer said the basic cause of the problem should be remedied at the Sanitation District level, which has the basic responsibility in the matter, since the district is not objecting to the proposal. Mayor Crocker said he concurs with Councilman Heinshei- mer, and further, he said the District has a number of options. Mayor Crocker said he will attend all Sanitation District meetings, and will urge, at a meeting of Mayors of Peninsula Cities, that all cities be represented at the Sanitation District meetings. Councilwoman Swanson moved that the Rolling Hills City Council support the City of Rolling Hills Estates. The motion died for lack of a second. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING 377 Mrs. ,loan Saffo announced that the next neighborhood meeting would be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gibbons, 48 Saddleback Road. Additional information will be in the Newsletter. Mrs. Saffo urged members of the Council to attend the meetings. LOS ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 379 Mrs. Saffo said nominations for the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Salute to Youth are due this week. She offered to obtain the appropri- ate form if nominations were to be made by the City of Rolling Hills. EUCALYPTUS TREES 382 Councilman Heinsheimer said that in connection with information provided by Mrs. Saffo on the aleppo pines in Rolling Hills, he wished to ask for her assistance in determining which eucalyptus trees in the City are dead and must be removed. He suggested that dead trees be taken down before the fire season, and suggested that such trees be marked and property owners advised. Councilman Pernell asked whether the Council would have a legal right to act for public safety if the Fire Department declared such trees a fire hazard, Mr. Finley said that if they were declared a hazard the City could order their removal for safety reasons, similar to action taken on weed and brush control. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 112 406 Mayor Crocker opened discussion of an ordinance proposed to amend Ordinance No. 112, which was held over from the previous meeting. In the discussion which followed, the City Attorney was directed to make the following changes: Add: A. 6) Barns and/or stables; Section 2, D9 2) Specify commercial uses only; 3(b): Delete entire paragraph. The City Attorney was directed to prepare the ordinance in accordance with the discussion and present it at the next meeting show- ing the areas deleted and additions. -4- L �1 I March 28, 1977 ORDINANCE NO. 149 540 Councilman Heinsheimer moved that Ordinance No. 149 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS PROHIBITING UNLAWFUL ENTRY OF PERSONS OVER AND UPON THE PRIVATE ROADS OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was secon- ded by Councilman Rose and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES. Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Pernell, Rose, Swanson Mayor Crocker NOES.- None RESOLUTION NO. 382 Councilman Heinsheimer moved that Resolution No. 382 entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS AUTHOR- oc,IZING ITS GRANT UNDER THE STATE BEACH, PARK, RECREATIONAL AND HISTOR- CC ICAL FACILITIES BOND ACT OF 1974 TO BE UTILIZED BY THE CITY OF ROLLING C1 HILLS ESTATES be adopted, and that reading in full be waived. The motion was seconded by Councilman Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES.- Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Pernell, Rose, Swanson Mayor Crocker NOES: None ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES POLICY 568 Councilman Pernell reported that he attended a presentation spon- sored by the Architectural Committee on solar energy. There are pres- ently no policies regarding alternative energy sources, and Councilman Pernell said it is his opinion that the Council should adopt a policy that would be aggressive and affirmative in furthering the exploration and use of alternative energy sources. Councilman Heinsheimer suggested that primary attention be given to solar energy and wind energy as al- ternative energy sources. Councilwoman Swanson said she agreed that an energy policy should originate at the Council level, and the Council can work jointly with other governmental bodies to implement the policy. Mrs. Saffo said energy conservation is more important than an alternate energy source. Councilman Pernell said it is not his intent to urge any specific use, but he recommends vocalizations of intent to encourage both conservation and utilization of alternative sources. Councilman Rose moved that the City Council support efforts by residents in remodeling and making new installations to attempt to utilize alternative energy sources such as solar energy. Councilwoman Swanson seconded the motion. Councilman Pernell said the staff should be instructed and encouraged to conserve energy in the City buildings. Councilman Heinsheimer said the Council should not imply that all plans using alternative energy sources will be approved, He suggested that the motion be amended to compliment and support the Architectural Committee in their efforts to find alternative sources of energy. The Mayor so ordered, with the consent of the Council. ACCESSIBILITY TO HANDICAPPED 663 Councilman Rose reported that in addition to a tax credit available to persons who make solar energy installations, additional legislation provides for an exemption up to $25,000 per year for three years for business which remodel, their facilities to make them accessible to handicapped persons. -5- `g 2dl March 28, 1977 SMOKE DETECTORS -* Councilman Rose asked whether there is presently a requirement for smoke detectors for new construction, and was advised that it is a re- quirement under the County code. Mayor Crocker asked the City Attorney to check to see whether there is a similar requirement for remodeling or residence additions- The Mayor directed that the matter be placed on the next agenda for a discussion of whether smoke detectors should be made mandatory, to be checked by inspection similar to spark arrestors. WELLS 694 Councilman Heinsheimer asked whether consideration has been given to permitting wells for non -potable water. Mr. Kinley explained that wells are prohibited by City ordinance; the Rolling Hills Community Association prohibits them under the declaration of restrictions, and may be condemned by the Water Replenishing District. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT #10, RANCHO PALOS VERDES 704 The Manager presented a report to the Council dated March 24, 1977, summarizing action at the meeting of the Environmental Committee in Rancho Palos Verdes on March 23. Mrs. Clifton said she made recommend- ations for changes in the EIR, based on Council discussions at a previous meeting, and also reported major points discussed by others. Councilwoman Swanson said she has had many telephone calls about the proposed development, and she expressed a concern about the fact that land designated in the report as open land is currently zoned as buildable land. She said a restriction against future building should be shown in writing. Mayor Crocker asked Councilwoman Swanson to attend the next hearing in Rancho Palos Verdes on April 12, and she agreed. PALOS VERDES BREEZE PANORAMA ISSUE 724 Councilwoman Swanson asked that the Council approve participation by Rolling Hills in the annual Panorama Issue of the Palos Verdes Breeze, which is included in the Budget. A motion to approve participation was made by Councilman Rose, seconded by Councilman Heinsheimer and carried unanimously. Mayor Crocker asked Councilman Pernell to work on the composition of the article to be included. STOP SIGN AT EASTFIELD GATE 734 In a memorandum to the Council dated March 28 the Manager reported that she and Mr. Gary Hein reviewed the request by Councilwoman Swanson to remove the STOP sign at the Eastfield Gate in the area of the gate mechanism. Since there is a STOP sign for Palos Verdes Drive East, it is recommended that the sign at the gate be removed, and that a sign be considered which would caution motorists about the gate mechanism and the need to slow for it to open properly. The Mayor directed that the sign be removed. NOTICE OF APPEAL, HOWARD SLUSHER 760 The City Attorney advised the Council that he had prepared the following information to be included in the hearing notice to be sent to residents regarding the hearing before the Council on April 25 on the appeal by Howard Slusher from the decision of the Planning Com- mission: "There will be no new evidence taken at the hearing; therefore, residents who attend will not be permitted to speak either for or against the granting of a conditional use permit, as Ordinance No. 33 provides that the appeal must be decided on the same evidence that was 1 March 28 1977 presented to the Planning Commission." The Council approved the wording, and the Mayor directed that the same information be included in the Newsletter, to inform residents that they will not be permitted to speak at the hearing before the City Council. Mr, Kinley distributed copies of a letter to the Council concerning conduct of the hearing, and also copies of a letter to Mr. Slusher and his attorney, Mr. Frank De Marco, requesting that they advise him how much time they will require for their presentation. Mayor Crocker asked that a map be prepared of the Flying Triangle area, showing in red and green those residents who have expressed opinions against or in favor of a tennis court on the Slusher property, so the Council can consider the proximity of those people when consid- ering the matter. CABLE TV 777 ®G CC.. Councilman Rose asked about the availability and feasibility of Cable TV in Rolling Hills. Mrs. Clifton said she is preparing a report r to the Board of Directors, and would make copies available to the Council. ' LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 785 The Manager reported that she had received correspondence dated March 24, 1977 from the League advising that Senator Robert Beverly had supported the League's position on binding arbitration, and with- stood substantial pressures applied•;by police and fire employee organ- izations and unions when he voted "no" on SB164, which would mandate compulsory and binding arbitration on local government. The League suggested that Senator Beverly be thanked for his support of local government on the issue. Councilman Heinsheimer moved that a letter signed by the Mayor be sent to Senator Beverly. Councilwoman Swanson seconded the motion. Councilman Rose said he thought it was a matter which, should be act.eA on by the Council and residents as individuals. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES. Councilmembers Heinsheiemer, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Crocker NOES- Councilman Rose TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING - PALOS VERDES DRIVE NORTH 801 A copy of a memorandum dated March 25, 1977 from Tom Brohard, Traffic Engineering Advisor, to Mr. Harry Peacock, City Manager of Rolling Hills Estates regarding traffic signal timing at Palos Verdes Drive North at Rolling Hills Road and Portuguese Bend Road was pre- sented to the Council. Mayor Crocker directed that the matter be placed on the "hold agenda" unless members of the Council wished to discuss it further. BULLETIN FROM ARBORETUM Mayor Crocker requested that Good Watering Habits" sent to the and Botanic Gardens be obtained in available to residents. HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY 812 copies of "Water Conservation Through City by the Department of Arboreta sufficient quantity to make them • A notice of a meeting to be held on Thursday, March 31, 1977 at the Torrance Recreation Center was presented to the Council. The -7- March 28, 1977 Executive Director of HSA advised that it would be the last meeting in District 4 at which residents can register for the purpose of voting and being nominated as a candidate for area council. The Manager was directed to send a Newsletter to residents urging that they be aware of the opportunity to have a voice in the future planning for health care. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT - INSURANCE 860 Mrs. Clifton reported that a meeting to discuss the Joint Powers Agreement for Insurance would be held on Tuesday, March 29 in Torrance. Mayor Crocker said he planned to attend, and would report to the Council. LOS ANGELES HARBOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE REQUEST FOR RESOLUTION 874 Mayor Crocker said he had received a request from Los Angeles Harbor Community College for a Resolution of the Council regarding opening of a music building for which funds have been raised. The Mayor said he wished to send a letter congratulating Harbor College on the effort. SYMPOSIUM RE., COPING WITH VANDALISM 880 Mayor Crocker said Mayor Weber of Rolling Hills Estates has put together a symposium on how to cope with vandalism. The panel includes an attorney, a psychotherapist, a community relations officer. The Mayor asked that Gary Hein, Chief Security Officer, attend on behalf of the City Council and Community Association. MASTER PLAN, PENINSULA CENTER AREA 885 The Mayor reported that the Master Plan for the Peninsula Center area is being reviewed by Rolling Hills Estates. Mayor Crocker said he would discuss the matter with other Peninsula mayors. CLOCK IN COUNCIL CHAMBER 890 Mayor Crocker asked that the hands of the clock in the Council Chamber be painted to make them visible to members of the Council. ADJOURNMENT 894 The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10010 P.M. APPROVED - Mayor - o