4/9/1979W�, 6 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling - Hills was called to order at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California by Mayor Swanson at 6:30 P.M. Monday, April 9, 1979. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmen Crocker, Rose, Mayor Swanson Councilmen Heinsheimer, Pernell Teena Clifton June Cunningham Dr. Perry Ehlig D. McHattie Russell Barto Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Hahn Mr. & Mrs. H. Gelles Mrs. K. Goldreyer Mrs. J. Heinsheimer W. Stringfellow Mr. & Mrs. A. Shaw 5 City Manager Deputy City Clerk Geologist South Bay Eng. Corp. Project Manager Ernest W. Hahn, Inc. Residents The minutes of the meeting of March 26, 1979 were approved and accepted as presented on a motion made by Councilman Crocker, seconded by Mayor Swanson and carried by the following.roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Crocker, Rose, Mayor Swanson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Heinsheimer, Pernell PAYMENT OF BILLS Councilman Crocker moved that Demands No. 7894 through 7923, with the exception of No. 7913 which was voided, be approved for payment from the General Fund in the amount of $12,272.42. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Crocker, Rose, Mayor Swanson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Heinsheimer, Pernell PALOS VERDES DRIVE NORTH TRAFFIC STUDY WORKSHOP 49 After discussing the meeting with the Rolling Hills Estates City Council to review proposed improvements to Palos Verdes Drive North, Mayor Swanson was requested to write a letter to the Rolling Hills Estates City Council thanking them for the invitation to attend the work session and presentation, and requesting that the Rolling Hills Council be advised of future workshops and discussions of the proposed project. Mrs. Clifton said she would advise Rolling Hills residents who live on Palos Verdes Drive North and will be directly affected that she has the plans for the road improvements in the office and invite them to come in to see the plans and discuss the proposed changes with her. CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES ASSOCIATION 85 A letter dated March 28, 1979 from California Contract Cities regarding,proposed legal action on ambulance costs was presented to co O Q Q Q 199 April 9, 1979 the Council. A meeting notice dated March 30, 1979 advised that the matter will be discussed at the April meeting of the Contract Cities Association to be held April 18 at Los Verdes Country Club. Council- man Rose said he wished to attend the meeting and asked that a reser- vation be made for him. Mayor Swanson said she will attend also, and will present a plaque from Rolling Hills to retiring president, Charles Belba. With ambulance ambulance moved that action at Councilman AYES: NOES: regard to the City's share of costs for legal action on charges, the Manager reported that the year to date cost of service to Rolling Hills is less than $200. Councilman Rose the Council authorize participation in the proposed legal a cost not to exceed $100. The motion was seconded by Crocker and carried by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Crocker, Rose, Mayor Swanson None ABSENT: Councilmen Heinsheimer, Pernell OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF, LOS ANGELES COUNTY 126 In a letter dated March 27, 1979 Captain Paul Myron, Commander of Lomita Station, advised that effective April 2, 1979 he would be transferred and Captain Edward Douglas would assume command of Lomita Station. Mayor Swanson said she had met Captain Douglas, and had written on behalf of the council to congratulate him on his new assign- ment and invite him to a Council meeting in the near future. Members of the Council asked that a letter of commendation for Lt. Walter Thurner, Lomita Station, be sent to the Sheriff's Department in Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE SERVICE COMMISSION 132 A letter dated March 20, 1979 regarding an attempt by the Los Angeles County Fire Services Commission to explore various -avenues by which the efficiency and economy of fire and rescue service can be improved was presented to the Council. Mrs. Clifton said she was advised that the matter is before the Board of Supervisors, and the letter was sent for purposes of information. ANGELES GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL 142 Mayor Swanson said she has attended several Annual Dinners honoring South Bay Girl Scouts for attaining First Class, the highest level in Cadette Girl Scouting, but would be unable to attend the dinner on June.7th because of a conflict in her schedule. Councilman Crocker said he would represent Rolling Hills at the dinner if possible. MEETING WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL 162 The Manager said she plans to meet during the week with the newly appointed Fire Chief and the Captain of the local fire station to discuss the weed abatement notification to be put in the Newsletter. TRACT 33871, CHACKSFIELD-MERIT HOMES 169 Councilman Crocker said he would be available to meet with the Manager, the Engineer and owners of properties to be subdivided in the Johns Canyon area to discuss the proposed improvements in the area on Friday, April 13 or Monday April 16. Mrs. Clifton said she would contact the appropriate people to coordinate the meeting and would contact Councilman Crocker to advise him which time would be most convenient for all to meet. In a letter dated April 4, 1979 Mr. McHattie requested a time extension of 30 days to allow the developer enough time to process -2- April 9, 1979 the sound barrier through the Architectural Committee and coordinate plans with Councilman Crocker. The request was approved on a motion made by Councilman Rose, seconded by Councilman Crocker and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Crocker, Rose, Mayor Swanson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Heinsheimer, Pernell FLAME -X SHINGLES 210 The Manager reported that she has been working with the Archi- tectural Committee in an attempt to resolve the matter of acceptable fire retardant roofing. Councilman Crocker moved that a 60 day moratorium be placed on use of Flame -X shingles. Councilman Rose seconded the motion. After discussing the need for regulations which would permit repair of roofs, Councilman Crocker amended his motion to exclude from the moratorium use of Flame -X shingles for repairs which do not exceed 25% of the total roof area. The amendment was seconded by Councilman Rose and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Crocker, Rose, Mayor Swanson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Heinsheimer, Pernell The motion as amended was carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Crocker, Rose, Mayor Swanson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Heinsheimer, Pernell ARRIVAL AT MEETING Councilmen Heinshiemer, Pernell, the City Attorney and the City Treasurer arrived at the meeting at 7:30 P.M. RANCHO PALOS VERDES SLIDE UPDATE 242 Mrs. Clifton introduced Dr. Perry Ehlig, a consulting geologist who worked on the report produced by Robert Stone and Associates for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Dr. Ehlig showed maps of the slide area and defined the boundar- ies of the old Portuguese Bend slide area and the current Abalone Cove slide area with relation to the boundaries of Rolling Hills. He said he had recommended to Rancho Palos Verdes that the moratorium in that city not be removed because he did not have sufficient data to recom- mend terminating the moratorium. In answer to questions about the extent of the study, Dr. Ehlig said the findings were based on test borings, data from the Converse, Davis, Dixon report on the area and on work he had done on the earlier Crenshaw area slide. Councilman Pernell asked Dr. Ehlig to comment on the impact of the slide on the existing and future development in Rolling Hills. Dr. Ehlig said there may be no impact, since Rolling Hills is outside of the active slide area. He explained that in the area of Rolling Hills the beds are tilted in and the City does not have potential slide planes going toward the sea. Councilman Pernell asked whether any precautions should be instituted by the City with regard to in- dividual development. Dr. Ehlig said he did not have sufficient' -3- [1 201. April 9, 1979. information on substructural elements in the area to make a recom- mendation. Mrs. Clifton said two studies were made of properties in the Flying Triangle, and she asked Dr. Ehlig whether review of those reports would be helpful. Dr. Ehlig siad they might be, but he doubted it, since he could not verify information contained in recent reports of the area that he had reviewed. In conclusion Dr. Ehlig said it would be highly desireable to eliminate water from above the slide area but it is hard to sell people on sewers because of the cost involved, which he said is a small amount compared to the value of the properties and the cost of the residences which are affected by the slides. Dr. Ehlig said the cost of the de -watering wells which have been recommended will be at least $100,000, although the final cost is not yet known. Mayor Swanson thanked Dr. Ehlig for his presentation to the Council. PRESENTATION, ERNEST W. HAHN, INC. 431 Mr. Ernest Hahn addressed the Council on the proposed multi-level retail.complex which he wishes to develop on 13 acres of commercial property in Peninsula Center. A scale model of the proposed development (.0 was displayed and Mr. Russell Barto, project manager, explained the Q concept of the development as Mr. Hahn showed slides. a Q Mr. Hahn said the development would require five additional traffic Q signals and modification of two existing signals. He said that in ad- dition to two large department stores, there would be 60-70 small shops and restaurants, also meeting rooms for service clubs, a live theater and an ice skating rink. Councilman Rose asked about the possibility of pressure to open Crest Road to through traffic. Mr. Hahn said .his studies indicate that the people who travel from the Miraleste and San Pedro area to Del Amo currently use Palos Verdes Drive North to gain access to Hawthorne and Crenshaw Boulevards, and will continue to do so. He said studies show, further, that the hours of use by shoppers" do not coincide with peak commuting traffic. Councilman Heinsheimer said he considers the proposed development a revolutionary and funda- mental change of the character of existing Peninsula development. Mr. Hahn said the early development was done in small isolated areas, and there is a wide range of architecture in the Peninsula Center. Coun- cilman Pernell said he was concerned that eventual lack of maintenance and vacancies could lead to downgrading of the area unless there is a continuity of management. Mr. Hahn said he will continue to own the. project, and would furnish security and landscape maintenance, which will reflect his pride of ownership. Councilman Rose asked about accessibility for all people. Mr. Hahn said code requirements will be met; there will be parking for 2,000 cars, with handicapped parking for 18-20 cars, as required by code. Councilman Rose said he did not consider 1% a satisfactory ratio, and Mr. Hahn asked that Councilman Rose meet with him to discuss parking and accessibility to all areas. Councilman Crocker said there is a need for recreational areas and community meeting places on the Peninsula, also more good shopping facilities, and since the property is zoned for commercial development, he would be interested in having one good development rather than a few smaller, poorly designed ones. Mayor Swanson said she would prefer to have a park developed on the land, but since it is zoned for commer- cial development, she agreed with Councilman Crocker that an effort should be made to have a good development. She asked who would control the hours and operation of the ice skating rink. Mr. Hahn said the facility has been leased by Metromedia, but the hours of operation of the rink could be controlled to some extent, witin reason. He said his Marketing Manager will schedule use of meeting rooms for community events at no charge. Chairman Pernell said he would mourn the'loss of the rural atmosphere, but would be satisfied to see it replaced by a good development such as the one proposed, because of the zoning. Mr. William Stringfellow, President of the Rolling Hills Community Association Board of Directors, said that since the open fields were going to disappear, he was interested in having them replaced by a well planned development. He said there was concern expressed to the -4- M April 9, 1979 Board about the possibility that the skating rink would draw undesire- able young people from areas outside of the Peninsula. Mr. Hahn said he felt the security personnel could handle the matter. Mr. String- fellow asked whether the Sheriff's Department has commented on the proposed development. Mr. Hahn said it is included in the EIR on the project, which defines the need for additional sheriff's services. Mayor Swanson thanked Mr. Hahn and Mr. Barto for the presentation, and she welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Hahn, former residents of Rolling Hills, who are returning to the community on June 1. RECESS The meeting was recessed at 9:30 P.M. and reconvened at 9:40 P.M. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 33 1007 Mr. Kinley distributed copies of two proposed ordinances to amend the zoning ordinance and asked that members of the Council review them and be prepared to discussthem at the next meeting. The City Attorney explained that the first proposed ordinance deletes paragraph 4, "Accessory buildings for guest quarters or serv-:...:. ants quarters provided that such accessory buildings have no kitchen or kitchen facilities" from Section 1: Section 3.01 (A), Uses Permitted, and adds to Section 2: Section 3.01 (D), paragraph 3: (a) Tennis courts, paddle tennis courts, horseback riding rings, accessory buildings for cabanas, guest quarters and servants quarters without kitchens or kit- chen facilities, located in a building separated from the main resi- dential building. The second proposed version deletes.paragraph 4 from Section 3.01 (A) and in Section 3.01 (D) adds six conditions to paragraph 3 (a). An alternative to the two proposed cordinances, Mr. Kinley said, would be to put the matter in the hands of the Planning Commission with the six proposed conditions required as a condition of receiving a Conditional Use Permit. Requirement of an appearance before the Planning Commission provides an additional body to consider a request, he said, and the Council is provided by ordinance with the power to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission on its own initiative. Mr. Kinley said that while the Council considers the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, a moratorium on guest houses remains in effect as a result of adoption of Urgency Ordinance U-33 at the last meeting. The matter was held on the agenda for consideration at the next meeting. MORATORIUM ON FLAME -X SHINGLES 1181 Mayor Swanson advised the City Attorney and Councilmen Heinsheimer and Pernell of the 60 day moratorium on Flame -X shingles in excess of 25% of the total roof area adopted prior to their arrival at the meeting. Mr. Kinley said he would prepare an appropriate Urgency Ordinance en- forcing the moratorium for adoption at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT 1196 There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Swanson adjourned the meeting at 10:10 P.M. APPROVED: " r Mayor =5- erk