5/29/1984._ MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA May 29, 1984 An adjourned meeting of the City of Rolling Hills was called to order at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Road, Rolling Hills, California by Mayor Leeuwenburgh at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, May 29, . I984. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell Mayor Leeuwenburgh ABSENT: Councilwoman Swanson (arrived at 7:45 P.M.) ALSO PRESENT: Ron Molendyk City Manager June Cunningham Deputy City Clerk Capt. C. D. Emerson L. A. County Sheriff's Dept.. Capt.. Elmer Omohundro Sheriff's Lomita Station Leslie Eichel Students Liz Provine Government Class Hans Schroeder Miraleste Brian Stark High School Mrs. C. Priebe Observer Mrs. P. Wright " Mrs. J. Rooney " Mrs. M. Hupp Residents Miss C. Murdock H. Murdock Sr. H. Murdock Jr. S. Lusk Mrs. B. Raine APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of.a regular meeting on May 14,-1984 were approved and _ accepted as presented on a motion made by Councilwoman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Heinsheimer and carried unanimously. FINANCIAL STATEMENT The Financial Statement for April 1984 was approved and accepted as presented on a motion made by Councilman Heinsheimer, seconded by Coun- cilwoman Murdock and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell Mayor Leeuwenburgh NOES: None ABSENT: ICouncilwoman Swanson PAYMENT OF BILLS Councilman Heinsheimer moved that Demands No. 81 through 102 and 11722 through 11724 be approved for payment from the General Fund in the amount of $13,715.85, and that Demands No. 80 and 102, in the amount of $27,729.46 be approved for payment from the Fire and Flood Self Insurance Fund. The motion was seconded by Councilman Pernell and carried by the following roll call vote:. AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell a Mayor Leeuwenburgh NOES: None ABSENT: Councilwoman Swanson May 29, 1984 sem. RESOLUTION NO. 529 A resolution entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROLLING HILLS APPOINTING A DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE TO THE CITY SELEC- TION COMMITTEE FOR THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT, naming Mayor Ginny Leeuwenburgh as Delegate to the City Selection Committee for Southern California Rapit Transit District and Council- woman Jody Murdock as Alternate was adopted on a motion made by Council- man Heinsheimer, seconded by Councilman Pernell and carried unanimously. PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL MEMBER MURDOCK 1900 Mayor Leeuwenburgh, on behalf of the City Council, presented a plaque to Councilwoman Murdock, who served as Mayor from April 1983 to April 1984, and in paying tribute to Councilwoman Murdock the Mayor read into the record an endorsement by former Councilman Don Crocker contained in a letter written as part of Councilwoman Murdock's cam- paign for election to the City Council. Mayor Leeuwenburgh noted that Councilwoman Murdock was elected Mayor pro tem immediately after administration of the oath of office as.a member of the City -Council, and recalled that she had served previously as a member and Chairman. of the Rolling Hills Planning Commission, in addition to serving -on - many other community and local organizations. -Councilwoman Murdock thanked the Mayor and City Council for the presentation. Lowell Lusk, president of the Board of Directors of the Rolling Hills Community Association, said he wished to express his apprecia- tion, personnally and on behalf of the Board, for the continued help., and support of Councilwoman Murdock in addressing and resolving many mutual problems.in the community. RECOGNITION OF CAPTAIN CHARLES D. EMERSON 1950 Councilman Pernell, on behalf of the City Council, -presented a Resolution of Appreciation to Captain Charles D. Emerson, who has" been transferred following three years as commanding officer of the Sheriff's Lomita station. Councilman Pernell read the resolution"= into the record, and members of the Council joined him in thanking Captain Emerson for his cooperation and dedication to the City of Rolling Hills and -wishing him well in his new assignment. Captain Emerson thanked the City Council and introduced Captain Elmer Omo.- hundro, who has been named commanding officer of the Lomita station. Lowell Lusk said that on behalf of the Community Association he wished to congratulate Captain Emerson on his new assignment, and thank him for his attention to the Rolling Hills community. Captain Emerson thanked the Council and Board and he noted the increasing involvement of members of the community, stating that community interest and alertness has increased in Rolling Hills, and has directly assisted members of the Sheriff's Department in eliminating problems and apprehending criminals. RECESS Mayor Leeuwenburgh recessed the meeting at 7:50 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 8:00 P.M. UPDATE - BUDGET, FISCAL 1984=85 1990. Mayor Leeuwenburgh reported that the Budget Committee met on Friday, May 25, 1984 and the budget will be presented in final form at a meeting in June. MATTERS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL LOS ANGELES COUNTY TRANSPORTAION CO1*1ISSION Councilwoman Swanson reported that in a letter to the Mayor on May 14, 1984 from LACTC the city was asked to state a position with. It May 29, 1984 regard to the median of the Century Freeway which is being designed to include a transitway, a.facility'for carpools and either buses or light rail. In a letter to the Mayor dated May 15, 1984 the Executive Director �of the El Segundo Employers Association stated that the ESEA, with 24 member corporation employing over 75,000 people in the South Bay) is "strongly in favor of initial rail on the Century Freeway median, and urged that the City of Rolling Hills communicate support. to Commission members. Councilwoman Swanson said there will be an opportunity for public comment before the Rapid Transit Committee of the Commission on June 7, and the Commission will be asked to vote on June 13. The information was received for the file. - ITEMS ON AGENDA Councilwoman Swanson asked that correspondence .from govern -mental agencies be placed on the agenda for discussion by the Council, so members of the community who receive a.copy of the agenda will be informed. FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN. HOUSE Mayor Leeuwenburgh reported that she attended the County Fire, Department's Open House program held at the Botanic Carden on Saturday, May 26, 1984. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH The -Mayor said a regional Neighborhood Watch meeting was held for residents of the Georgeff area on Thursday. May 24, 1984. She reported that residents of that area, which has experienced some problems, are extremely.interested in getting the Neighborhood Watch program in operation. DEMAND/RESPONSE TRANSIT SYSTEM 'Mayor Leeuwenburgh reported that a letter from Mayor J . acki Bacharach of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, inviting participation in a demand/ response transit system known as RPV Transit was distributed to all . members of the Rolling Hills City Council. The Mayor said she wished- - to ask that the City -Manager meet with Mr. Galuzzy, Rancho Palos Verdes City Manager, to discuss possible exchanges of transit funds for ser- vices. The Manager advised the Council that an allocation of $16,000 has been made to Rolling Hills for the current year, and funds can be banked for three years; if not used the money will revert to the General Fund three years after being received. Mr: Molendyk said approximately $30,000 is,currently available to Rolling Hills. The Manager said he has met with Joe Leach to discuss use of the transit funds. Council- woman Swanson asked that discussion of the subject be scheduled on the agenda so that -members of the community will know.in-advance. Council- woman Murdock said Contract Cities Association is looking into options available for the use of the funds and she suggested that the Manager be asked to get all background information before the matter is placed on the agenda for discussion. Councilman Heinsheimer concurred. GROUNDBREAKING, LOMITA MANOR Mayor Leeuwenburgh reported that members of the -Council and the. City Manager have been invited to attend groundbreaking ceremonies for, -Lomita Manor, and.noted that housing funds from Rolling Hills have.been allocated to Lomita for low cost housing. LANDSCAPING AT MAIN GATE The Mayor reported that the Chairman,,of the Association's Land- scape Committee had suggested that she contact Mayor Nell Mirels of Rolling Hills Estates and discuss whether Rolling Hills should take over the maintenance of landscaping in the Main Cate area, stating that the entrance to Rolling Hills is not to the City's standards. Mayor Leeuwenburgh said the major problem is that water in that area originates in Rolling Hills Estates, and she asked the Council whether she should pursue the matter with Mayor Mirels. -3- May 29, 1984 Councilman Pernell said he would be concerned about the City intervening in an Association matter, and he would like to know more about the potential cost. Councilwoman Swanson said that since Roll ing Hills has given money to Rolling Hills Estates for improvement of the intersection, she thought more information is needed. She sug- gested that the Chair of the Landscape Committee be invited to attend a future Council meeting to discuss the proposal. Councilwoman Murdock suggested that the Manager be. asked to investigate costs connected with the project, including the cost of water for maintenance of landscaping so the Council could approach the matter with the overall picture of what would be involved. Members of the Council concurred with the sug- gestion and the Mayor so ordered. APPOINTMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BOARD Mayor Leeuwenburgh said she wished to make the following appoint- ments to the Environmental Quality Board: Jody Murdock, City Council, for three year term Allan Roberts, Planning Commission, for three year. term Beth King, Architectural Committee, for two year term The Mayor said she wished to re -appoint Mrs. Betty Bathgate, rep- resenting the Board of Directors and Miss Grace Nixon, citizen at large, but has not been able to contact them. Mayor Leeuwenburgh said confirm- ation of her recommendation would provide a quorum, should the Board be required to act. Members of the Council concurred with the appointments. LETTER FROM SENATOR ROBERTI Mayor Leeuwenburgh reported that she received a letter from State Senator David Roberti thanking the Council for supporting Senate Bill 2333, which allows local governments to regulate the sale of fireworks, and asking that letters be written to members of the Assembly Local Government Committee, asking support of the urgency bill. MATTERS.FROM THE CITY MANAGER - JAWS PROGRAM The Manager reported that youth from the Juvenile Alternate Work. Service Program had spent a second weekend working at the entrances' to the City, working recently at the Main Gate area. CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES RE: SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM The Manager reported that a letter has been received from the,. City of Rancho Palos Verdes advising that Rolling Hills share of printing the summer recreation guide brochures will be"$239.03. Payment was authorized in a motion made by Councilwoman Murdock, seconded by Councilman.Heinsheimer and carried unanimously. PROPOSITION 18 - PARK AND RECREATION FUNDS The Manager reported that the City has received correspondence regarding Proposition 18, a $370million bond for park and recreation, and a letter from the City of Carson asking the city's support. The information was received for the file, and the Manager was requested to determine whether acceptance of funds would require that the fa cilities for which they are received would have to be open to cne public. Mr. Molendyk said the City of Rolling Hills would be eligible for approximately $2200, based on population. CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 8:30 P.M. MEETING RECONVENED The meeting was reconvened at 9:20 P.M. and Mayor Leeuwenburgh said possible litigation was discussed. The meeting was adjourned by the Mayor to June ll, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. APPROVED: City Clerk