8/13/1984A regular was called to Road, Rolling Monday, August ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ROLLING HILLS, CALIFORNIA August 13, 1984 meeting of the City Council of the City of Rolling Hills order at the Administration Building, 2 Portuguese Bend Hills, California by Mayor Leeuwenburgh at 7:30 P.'M. 13, 1984. ALSO PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell, Swans Mayor Leeuwenburgh None Ron Molendyk Michael Jenkins Pamela Dudley Capt.. Elmer Omohundro Richard Esposito William Strauz Douglas McHattie Pat Holladay Martha McKinney Gordon Reuben Major Langer John Pollock Mrs. Margaret Wagner 40 City Manager City Attorney Secretary Sheriff's Lomita Station Palos Verdes News Attorney South Bay Engineering Observer Observer Observer Resident Applicant Property Owner The minutes of -an adjourned meeting on July 21, 1984 and a regular meeting on July 23, 1984 were approved and accepted as presented on a motion made by Councilman Pernell, seconded by Councilwoman Murdock -and carried unanimously. ez. PAYMENT OF BILLS Councilman Heinsheimer moved that Demands No. 212 through 248 and 11739 through 11744 in the amount of $87,012.26 be approved for payment from the General Fund and that Demands No. 212 and 247 in the amount of $4,678.58 be approved for payment from the Fire and Flood Self Insurance Fund, and that Demand No. 237 be voided. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Murdock and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Leeuwenburgh NOES: None ABSENT: None LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE REPORT 135 Mayor Leeuwenburgh opened the meeting to a discussion and consider- ation of recommendations by the Landscaping Committee for landscaping it the Main Gate area, and welcomed Julie Heinsheimer, Chairman of the Landscape Committee. The City Manager explained that the Landscape Committee approached the Mayor several months ago and said they wished to have the area of the -main gate cleaned up and improved, and he'said $1500.00 has been allocated in the budget for the project, to include plant materials, soil amendments and modification of the irrigation'. system, and additional dollars have been included in the budget for landscape maintenance if the project goes forward. The City Manager, then introduced the Landscape Committee Chairman, Mrs. Heinsheimer. Chairman Heinsheimer presented a plan developed by the Landscape Committee, explaining that an original has not yet been furnished j; y Rolling Hills Estates. She said the plan prepared by the Landscape. 6'7 August 13, 1984 Committee is for low cost, low maintenance, drought resistant plants, in keeping with the plants now there, and will provide a general im- provement of the entrance, without a manicured appearance. She said the material will be slow growing, and with a small additional funding the area can be maintained by the crew that takes care of the area now. Chairman Heinsheimer explained that there was a problem with the irri- gation system, since two sprinkler heads were watering the horse trail instead of the plants, and were removed, but Rolling Hills Estates has people working on the system and the sprinkler heads will be replaced properly. Councilwoman Murdock asked whether a separate meter will be installed for the landscaping. The Manager said the sprinkling system is on a central timing system, and he has been advised by the City of Rolling Hills Estates that the sprinkler system is compatible with the Landscape Committee's proposal. Councilman Pernell complimented the Landscape Committee for their effort in establishing the project at no cost to the City except for materials and labor. Mayor Leeuwenburgh said that Mayor Nell Mirels of Rolling Hills Estates has assured her that the City of Rolling Hills would have the cooperation of that city. Councilwoman Swanson asked Chairman Heinsheimer what costs were anticipated for maintenance of the area, and whether the area can be LO maintained without additional cost. Chairman Heinsheimer said that apart from the initial cost of planting one additional day's work (jL will be needed, and Sean Bennet, landscape contractor, said it would m require $40.00 additional per month to•maintain that area. Council- woman Swanson asked whether any effort had been. made to have the Com- munity Association share any of the costs. Chairman Heinsheimer said the Women's .Community Club volunteered to put money into the beauti- fication, but'.she did not know whether they had funds to put into a continuing monthly charge for maintenance, stating that they may wish to contribute funds for materials, but she did not know whether they will want to get involved in the on-going costs of maintenance. Coun- cilwoman Swanson asked.the City Manager if any contact had been made with the City of Rolling Hills Estates regarding funding, stating that Rolling Hills had given Rolling Hills Estates $56,000.00 for improvement of the!::intersection. Mayor Leeuwenburgh said the $56,000 given by Rolling Hills was used by Rolling Hills Estates in the ini- tial work done at the intersection 18 months ago, and when they were approached in the matter of assisting with landscaping that request was.denied.in a letter from the Rolling Hills Estates City Manager, who said he would meet with representatives of Rolling Hills. Chair- man Heinsheimer explained that of the estimate of $800 for the project recommended by the Landscape Committee:, $400 of that sum was for soil amendment, and the minimum amount of 20 cubic yards that can be obtained would be sufficient for the entire City Hall area, including the tennis court area. She said -the remaining $400 for plant material is very': reasonable. Councilwoman Swanson moved that the project proposed by the Landscape Committee for an expenditure of $800 for general.clean-up and additional landscaping in the Main Gate area be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Murdock and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Leeuwenburgh NOES: None ABSENT: None ZONING CASE NO. 289, S. M. KIM, 8 BUGGYWHIP, PADDLE TENNIS COURT 276 The City Manager reported that because of concern expressed at City Council meetings about the impact of drainage from the Kim pro- perty°on adjacent properties, a field trip was made to the site on Friday, August 10, and was attended by Mayor Leeuwenburgh, Council- woman Murdock, Douglas McHattie of South Bay Engineering Corporation, Mr.,Kim, the applicant, and the City Manager. In response to a, question by Gouncilwoman Swanson, the Manager said Caballeros was advised of the field trip and the concerns about drainage, but no contact was made by them, and no representative attended the trip to the site. -2- `1. • August 13, 1984 Mr. McHattie presented a plan for a rip rap energy dissipator, and explained that at present water from the property goes through a desilting basin, and that the rip rap will create an additional safe- guard for drainage. Councilman Pernell asked to have the difference explained. Mr. McHattie said that water from the holding basin tra- velled through a.narrow tunnel, then dumped onto the ground, creating erosion on adjacent property. With the new design the water will be spread over a larger area with less impact, since the. water will be disbursed over twenty feet, instead of two feet. In addition, a splash wall will prevent water cutting under. Councilwoman Swanson asked if this will affect the trail, and Mr. McHattie said that since the water will be spread in a wider area and the flow will be more regulated, it is his opinion that there will be no effect on the trail. Councilman Heinsheimer-moved the paddle tennis court be approved, incorporating the improved drainage system as presented by Mr.-McHattie. the motion was. seconded by Councilman 'Pern-dll and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell, Swanson Mayor Leeuwenburgh NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Pernell said he wished to address the applicant, Mr. Kim and his engineer, Mr. McHattie, stating that it was not the intent of the Council to obstruct the progress. of construction on the property and thanking them for working out the problems of drainage to the satis- faction of the Council. FLYING TRIANGLE The City Manager said a cost proposal for groundwater investiga- tion in the Flying'Triangle main mass landslide west of the Flat Top Area has been prepared for -the Community Association and is contained in a letter dated July 19, 1984 from the Los Angeles County Department of Engineer -Facilites and was prepared by Robert Thomas, Engineering Geologist and approved by Arthur G. Keene, County Geologist. He said the proposed investigation would explore the possibility of trapped groundwater stored under pressure beneath the toe of the Flying Tri- angle Main Mass Landslide. Mayor Leeuwenburgh said the information will be forwarded to the Community Association, and copies are available for residents who wish to have one. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION, ZONING CASE NO. 299, JOHN POLLOCK 400 The City Manager reported that at a regular meeting on July 17, 1984 the Planning Commission approved a Variance of front yard set- back requirements for vacant property known as Lot 2, Tract 26652 located on Eucalyptus Lane. The Manager explained that when the property was subdivided in 1975 it complied with all ordinances and requirements, and a 2.5 gross acre parcel was divided into two'l-.1/4 gross acre parcels which are approximately 3/4 acre net. Because the required front yard setback has been increased from 30''to 50' it is not possible to develop the lot without a variance, and the applicant has requested and received approval of a 50' radial set- back, to maximize the buildable area. Mr. John Pollock, owner of the property, explained that the radial setback would provide the required turning area for fire equipment, would be compatible with other properties in the area, and existing pepper trees on the property can be saved. No action was taken by the Council and the information was received for the file. -3- August 13, 1984 MATTERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL GRADING AT 5 CHUCKWAGON ROAD Councilwoman Swanson said she has been contacted by residents asking whether the grading at 5 Chuckwagon Road is being done in accordance with City regulations. She said that when a grading plan is submitted to the County, acting as the City's agent, the County should ensure that it is in compliance with the City's ordinances, explaining that when she discussed it with County personnel she was assured that it was as it should be, but when she asked to have it confirmed in writing it'seemed there might be a problem. Council- woman Swanson said the City Manager has been working with Mr. Kondo of the County Engineer's office in Lomita, but she said it should.be a matter of routine for the County. PARAMEDICS IN ROLLING HILLS Councilwoman Swanson referred to a report listing paramedic service in the City of Rolling Hills this year to date and last year Lo to date, and she said it would be helpful to have information for the g) entire year. L- BRUSH FIRE AT FORRESTAL DRIVE m Q Councilwoman Swanson asked that the City Manager be directed to discuss with Fire Department personnel the response time in a recent brush fire at Forrestal Drive in Rancho Palos Verdes that spread to property on Packsaddle Road East. She said the residents reported to her that they felt the response time was unreasonably long. SOUTH BAY JUVENILE DIVERSION Councilwoman Swanson said she received a letter from South Bay Juvenile.Diversion asking that Rolling Hills send a resolution in support of "South Bay Sunday", which is a fund raising function for the.benefit of.South'Bay Juvenile Diversion. She said she informed the group that the City Council does not support fund raising acti- vities as a body, but that she would mention it at the Council meeting. Councilwoman Murdock said it has been Council policy to mention such worthy functions.in the Newsletter if Council members agree, but it is Council policy not to support such events by resolution or letter. of support. Councilwoman Swanson urged that the City send a letter to South Bay Juvenile Diversion wishing them well in their fund raising project. Councilman Heinsheimer said all members of the City Council have been contacted in connection with various.fund raising efforts, and said it is his opinion that the Council should refrain from taking any action as a body in support of any such effort. RETIREMENT DINNER, CHIEF CLYDE BRAGDON Mayor Leeuwenburgh said all members of the City Council have received invitations to the Los Angeles County Chapter of the Cali- fornia Fire Chiefs' Association dinner on September 5, 1984 honoring Fire Chief Clyde A. Bragdon, Jr. on his retirement. The City. -'Manager was requested to have an appropriate plaque prepared to be presented at the dinner. JEWISH .FEDERATION COUNCIL; OF LOS ANGELES Mayor Leeuwenburgh said she met with representatives of the Jewish Federation Council of Los Angeles in the Ctty.Hall and was given two books for the City's library. SPECIAL FIRE PREVENTION NEWSLETTER Mayor Leeuwenburgh said that there have been two recent brush fires in the community, and she asked that a special Newsletter be sent to residents reminding them of the need for brush control and fire prevention measures. -4- m August 13, 1984 MATTERS FROM THE CITY MANAGER SHERIFF'S MOUNTED POSSE The City Manager said Captain Elmer Omohundro was present at the meeting, and he asked him to address the Council with regard to the Sheriff's mounted posse and four wheeled drive vehicles. Captain Omohundro said the project has been started in an effort to enforce fire regulations, and four citations were issued to off-road vehicles on Sunday, August 12 in brush areas of Rancho Palos Verdes. He said four wheeled vehicles and officers on horses will continue to patrol in brush areas to discourage certain activities. Councilman Pernell said he has observed equestrians smoking, and asked whether that has been enforced. Captain Omohundro said he will mention that to the patrols. Members of the Council expressed concern about persons in cars smoking during the fire season, stating that there is a prohib- ition agains smoking in cars when it is posted at the gates, and it was suggested that residents be reminded by a notice in the Newsletter to instruct guests, since the Sheriff has been asked to enforce the prohibition. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM The City Manager reported that copies of a Participating City Cooperation Agreement for the County of Los Angeles Community Develop- ment Block Grant Program have been received with a request that they be executed and returned before August 27, 1984, which is the next regular meeting date for the City Council. Mr. Molendyk said the agreement was received too late to be placed on the agenda for the current meeting, but has been reviewed by the City Attorney. He said it is basically the same agreement executed by the City previously, and allocates the low cost housing funds received by Rolling'Hills to the City of Lomita. The City Attorney explained that the Agreement provides for the City of Rolling Hills to.participate in a block grant program for the next.three years, and entitles the City to..funding which, in the past, has.been diverted to Lomita.to.be used for low cost housing. The City has the option of.participating or not participating, but if it does not participate the funds will not be allocated to the City. Council- man Pernell asked how much was received; the City Manager said $12,,000. Councilman Pernell said funds should be diverted or re -allocated only to a city which has an anti -fireworks ordinance, and he suggested that a city which would receive such funds instead of fees from licenses for fireworks might be willing to consider such a trade-off. Councilman Pernell moved that the Cooperation Agreement be executed as it has been in the past. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman_ Swanson, after assurance by the City Attorney that it is similar to documents executed previously, and was carried by the following roll call vote: .AYES: Councilmembers Heinsheimer, Murdock, Pernell, Swanson, Mayor Leeuwenburgh NOES: None ABSENT: None ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 8:45 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was reconvened at 10:00 p.m. and immediately adjourned by the Mayor to 7:30 p.m. Monday, August 27, 1984. L City Clerk APPROVED: G 4v vIm •` e�Gl t-V,u-6^ V��- Malyor